Thursday, March 15, 2012

Things I've recently learned

Here's a list of random things I've learned recently - because one must never stop learning, right?

1)  People who say "Oh, I have a little bit of that in my knee," about rheumatoid arthritis make me alternate between the desire to educate them and the desire to whack them in the head with a blunt instrument.  I've learned to smile and walk away.
2)  Fake mustaches can be purchased in six packs at our local Hobby Lobby.
3)  My mother-in-law thinks that any nice thing I say about my husband is a direct compliment to her for having raised him.  It's not necessary to enlighten her regarding the truth.
4)  It is expensive when the head gasket in a car needs to be replaced.
5)  I might like to live (alone) in a place like this. (No, I'm not leaving home and family.  It's just that I sometimes crave solitude and the concept of living more simply is quite appealing to someone raised by a packrat.)
6)  There are eighteen different animal shapes in a standard box of Barnum's animal crackers.
7)  Enbrel:  that shit burns like crazy when injected.
8)  I want the new iPad - the first two versions didn't interest me that much, but I'm suddenly smitten with an inexplicable burst of consumerism and desperately want one.
9)  Cat pee glows when exposed to a black light
10) I really don't give a crap about March Madness or brackets.

1 comment:

  1. I had to replace a head gasket once and I know just what you mean. Also, I cared about March Madness when I followed women's college basketball. Once Hannah proved to us that she had NO athletic ability whatsoever I kind of lost interest in the sport.
